Saturday, January 11, 2014


Borobudur used to be a wonder of the world. It is a temple. I rent a taxi from Yogyakarta. The driver told me it will take about an hour to reach there. So I tk a nap first during the journey. When reached there, driver said"Bu (madam), I wait here ya...u just walk straight and the temple will be there. U have to buy a ticket at the counter."I was so excited.... hihi.... after bought a entry ticket I walk in to the park. After 15mins walk, I saw it.....wao....such a amazing temple...

I still remember when I was 17, my Sejarah 's teacher tolds us about the wonders of the world and Borobudur was in the list. During that age, I already told myself that I will visit this place in one day. Hi hi...I did it.

I still remember the weather of that day was warm. Many tourists there. They were from Japan, Malaysia , China and Europe.

When I saw it from far I told myself "hey, your dream is infront of u". kikiki...

It was built in three tiers: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,500 m2. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. The monument was restored with UNESCO's help in the 1970s. this moment I was busy with my DSLR camera. Not only me, many of them also busy shooting. I think I had tk more than 50 photos.

I think u never believe that I had spent more than an hour in this wonderful place. I totally forgot my driver was waiting at the entrance. Ohps....but....I really excited and curious about Borobudur so Encik Khan(driver), minta maaf ya...

Finally I satisfied with my shooting. Time to leave.Before I left , I manage to find a young lady help me to tk a photo. C this photo, a bottle of water on my hand. It remind me I was so thirsty.

One more unhappy happen I need to share here. It was a boy ( around 15 or 17 ) keep asking me to buy their souvenir . But I was not interested. He followed me from Borobudur temple to my taxi area. I keep telling him that I Dont Want. The end the boy angry and scold me. He said I lied to him, I told him I will buy it and no. I never bother him and he keep said God will know about me....bla bla.... So boring about his attitude. I never promis him tht I will buy. I remember before I entry the park, he started to follow me and told me about how poor he is. I tols him "Later pls....I need to visit Borobudur ". When I promis him I want to buy it? So terrible as he just a boy. driver tolds me " Bu, pls forgive n don't angry him, many children like him in this tourist area......Driver told me about their life of I forgive him and keep myself happy bcs I still have few places to visit,

1 comment:

  1. 我也到此过, 只是不同的时间。不错。我也喜欢这里。虽然我去的时候, 天气很热, 但是我们逗留在哪里还蛮久的。拍了很多相片。
