Monday, January 13, 2014

Prambanan Temple

I must say I am a lucky lady bcs I had chosen a clever and experience driver. He not only know well about the tourist places in Yogja, he also know some history of those temples. According to him ~ Prambanan Temple was built during a time when Europe was still in the dark ages. Now Prambanan recognised as being the oldest and highest level of art within South East Asia.
I was in the Borobudur just now, so now will take another hour to Prambanan temple. I just finish the Buddhist temple(Borobudur) and now will cont" to Hindu temple. Wao!!! such a lucky day bcs I can treasure another wonder in the world.

"Bu, here is it"driver called  me. Actually at first I heard he called me Ibu or bu I laugh...bcs in Malay Ibu or bu mean Mother. How can be your mother huh? but after he explain to me, I knew Ibu is Madam. This the reason why I like travel , bcs I can learn more and more.

When I show this photo to others, some of them ask me whether I steal this photo from google or I tk my own. I answer again here...."is tk by myself". That day the weather was so cloudy and sunny. Every photo that I tk was blue sky and white cloud. Hihi....
According to the board Prambanan temple compounds contains the original structures that were built in the 9th century AD. The temples collapsed due to earthquake, volcanic eruption and shift of political power in the 11th century and they were rediscovered in the 17th century.
This was the part that it mentions collapsed. I so curious about the stones/bricks . After consider a while, I finally touch it. The result is " nothing". hahaha.

I didnt have tripod during this trip and I saw all of them were so busy with the stone or the temple shooting so I take my own photo. Am I look fat? lolz......
 I spent more than an hour here. How can I stop in this beautiful place?
When I walked to the way out, I find out here can take more poster photos. So I spent another 10 more mins here before I left.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Borobudur used to be a wonder of the world. It is a temple. I rent a taxi from Yogyakarta. The driver told me it will take about an hour to reach there. So I tk a nap first during the journey. When reached there, driver said"Bu (madam), I wait here ya...u just walk straight and the temple will be there. U have to buy a ticket at the counter."I was so excited.... hihi.... after bought a entry ticket I walk in to the park. After 15mins walk, I saw it.....wao....such a amazing temple...

I still remember when I was 17, my Sejarah 's teacher tolds us about the wonders of the world and Borobudur was in the list. During that age, I already told myself that I will visit this place in one day. Hi hi...I did it.

I still remember the weather of that day was warm. Many tourists there. They were from Japan, Malaysia , China and Europe.

When I saw it from far I told myself "hey, your dream is infront of u". kikiki...

It was built in three tiers: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,500 m2. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. The monument was restored with UNESCO's help in the 1970s. this moment I was busy with my DSLR camera. Not only me, many of them also busy shooting. I think I had tk more than 50 photos.

I think u never believe that I had spent more than an hour in this wonderful place. I totally forgot my driver was waiting at the entrance. Ohps....but....I really excited and curious about Borobudur so Encik Khan(driver), minta maaf ya...

Finally I satisfied with my shooting. Time to leave.Before I left , I manage to find a young lady help me to tk a photo. C this photo, a bottle of water on my hand. It remind me I was so thirsty.

One more unhappy happen I need to share here. It was a boy ( around 15 or 17 ) keep asking me to buy their souvenir . But I was not interested. He followed me from Borobudur temple to my taxi area. I keep telling him that I Dont Want. The end the boy angry and scold me. He said I lied to him, I told him I will buy it and no. I never bother him and he keep said God will know about me....bla bla.... So boring about his attitude. I never promis him tht I will buy. I remember before I entry the park, he started to follow me and told me about how poor he is. I tols him "Later pls....I need to visit Borobudur ". When I promis him I want to buy it? So terrible as he just a boy. driver tolds me " Bu, pls forgive n don't angry him, many children like him in this tourist area......Driver told me about their life of I forgive him and keep myself happy bcs I still have few places to visit,